
Onyx anime
Onyx anime

onyx anime

It's only when he gets the idea to ask the gods to resurrect Nelli that he joins Yaotl.

onyx anime

  • Refusal of the Call: He runs away when Yaotl first appears and closes the first gate more or less by accident.
  • Izel after witnessing the carnage nearly threw his life away attempting to kill them.
  • He also does this when Mictecacíhuatl sends her monsters after Izel and the group which ends up killing the village they were taking shelter.
  • K'in mocking his sister's sacrifice and saying that she died to get away from Izel leads to Izel lashing out in anger and accidentally breaking Yun's leg, nearly killing him.
  • Rage-Breaking Point: Izel does this several times over the course of his quest.
  • Occult Blue Eyes: Izel gained blueish teal eyes representing the underworld after attempting to commit suicide, thus tainting himself with its energy.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his apparent apathy towards the rest of humanity, Izel is not a bad person and can be quite compassionate and kind at times, such as when he gives an old woman some of his and Nelli's produce in the pilot despite her and family being foreigners and seemed concerned for both the twins' and Zyanya's wellbeing.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction upon realizing that he broke Yun's leg, which in a pre-Industrial Revolution world would be a death sentence.
  • His main character arc in the first season is clawing his way back from this.
  • Misanthrope Supreme: He's perfectly fine letting the gods wipe out Humanity, and only starts caring about his 'destiny' when he believes the gods will revive his sister.
  • Magic Is a Monster Magnet: His teal eyes attract monsters.
  • onyx anime

    Both the city folk and Yaotl don't think too highly of him, and even Quetzalcoatl outright calls him 'the lowest of the low.' This is even the god's reason for choosing him as a champion, because if 'the lowest of the low' can rise to the challenge and save humanity, that would prove that the species as a whole is worth saving. Loser Protagonist: Izel, being a lowly servant who is considerably lacking in both mental and physical strength and appears wholly dependent on his older sister, is considered this In-Universe.Knightly Sword and Shield: Downplayed, as warriors in Mesoamerican culture were not considered knights, but during the final battle Izel uses one of Yaotl's metallic ornaments as a shield while wielding the advanced form of K'i'ik.It's only due to the support of his team and Yaotl that he doesn't just off himself and doom the world. Kid Hero: A rather bleak, reluctant version of this trope, as he was chosen despite being the least qualified person for the job, and struggles with the expectations placed on him and the pain of his trials.Hates Their Parent: Izel resents his guardian Maak for selling him and Nelli and adopting Yun and K'in, treating them better than he had them, blaming him for Nelli's death and his reluctant mantle as the champion of humanity.

    onyx anime

    By the season finale, he's come to the point where he's able to stand up to both Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca. Grew a Spine: Izel's character arc, gradually becoming less dependent on others and stronger both physically and emotionally.Eye Color Change: His eyes turn teal when his suicide attempt fails, tainting him with the energy of the Underworld.

    #Onyx anime series

    He fails, but throughout the series is shown lapsing back into suicidal ideation.

  • Driven to Suicide: At the end of episode one, after seeing his sister sacrificed in front of him.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: The death of his kind older sister Nelli ultimately makes Izel lose faith in humanity.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: After falling into the gate to the Underworld, his eyes permanently turn teal, marking him as unnatural.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Especially when he gets angry he'll begin to curse much more often.
  • He may be physically and mentally weak compared to his other allies, but even he is not one to be trifled with once he gets angry.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Izel is a kind person at heart, even with his cynical outlook on life.
  • Ambiguously Gay: He seems very infatuated with Yun, shows no romantic interest in either of the two pretty girls on his team, and Sofia Alexander said the show has gay main characters.
  • Brown (English), Cecilia Guerrero (Latin American Spanish)The chosen hero of Quetzalcoatl, tasked with closing the five gates of the underworld.

    Onyx anime